Spider AF helps you combat click fraud, fight affiliate fraud, and get better leads.

Spider AF is an award-winning subsidiary company by Spider Labs Ltd., with the sole purpose of helping companies fight ad fraud through our extensive tools and eliminate wasteful ad traffic.
Company Name
Spider Labs Inc.
Date founded
Satoko Ohtsuki
90,000,000 JPY

The goal at Spider AF is to create a safer and happier future for the digital advertising industry through automation.

We are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that combat ad fraud and protect our customers' marketing budgets, ensuring their investments are used wisely and effectively.

The seven core work values
that drive everything we do

Our Offices

Tokyo Headquarters
〒107ー0062  東京都港区南青山7−10−3
Portugal Office
Av. Duque de Loulé 22, 7º andar
1050-090 Lisboa
US Office
136 Madison Avenue 5th & 6th Floors
New York 10016, USA

Join us in fighting fraud together

We’re always looking for passionate and hard-working people to help us fight against fraud.
See our open positions

Guard Your Campaigns with Spider AF's
PPC Click Fraud Protection.

Spider AF is here to help you combat click fraud and maximize the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.
Detect Click Fraud for Free