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How to use Spider AF for Web

Last Updated -
September 21, 2023
Written by -
Ronald Ng
Table Of Contents

Getting started

Follow these steps to use Spider AF

  1. Setup
  2. Set up the tag
  3. Connect to the Google Ads API
  4. Configure blocking


Spider AF retrieves signals from the traffic on web properties that have the Spider AF Tag installed. Using these signals, Spider AF categorizes traffic into valid and invalid categories, provides more visibility into the traffic that is coming onto the web property, and allows the user to configure Spider AF to block invalid traffic from coming back.

a. Set up the tag

Add the Spider AF tags for all pages and conversion pages to start logging. You can do this using Google Tag Manager or directly into the header of a webpage.

The Spider AF tags that you use are for your account only. After you sign up, you can access your tags. If you ever need to manage or find your tag again, it can be found within the dashboard.

Sample tag 1: All pages

Copied to clipboard!

<script>var sptrk=function(){var o="",w="__spd",e=(new Date).getTime();function c(n){var t=document.createElement("script");t.async=!0,t.src=n,document.head.appendChild(t)}window[w]||(window[w]={}),window[w].d||(window[w].d=[]),c(o+"u");var s=/^([a-z0-9]{8})-([a-z0-9]{2})$/,u=!1;return function(){var n=arguments;if(window[w].d.push(n),"config"==n[0]&&!u&&!window[w].a){u=!0;var t=n[1],a=t.match(s),i=a[1],d=a[2];if(!i||!d)throw"invalid id: "+t;var r=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15);c(o+"t/"+i+"?"+("a="+e+"&o="+r))}}}();  sptrk('config', '##TrackerID##');</script>

Sample tag 2: Conversion pages

Copied to clipboard!

<script>var sptrk=function(){var o="",w="__spd",e=(new Date).getTime();function c(n){var t=document.createElement("script");t.async=!0,t.src=n,document.head.appendChild(t)}window[w]||(window[w]={}),window[w].d||(window[w].d=[]),c(o+"u");var s=/^([a-z0-9]{8})-([a-z0-9]{2})$/,u=!1;return function(){var n=arguments;if(window[w].d.push(n),"config"==n[0]&&!u&&!window[w].a){u=!0;var t=n[1],a=t.match(s),i=a[1],d=a[2];if(!i||!d)throw"invalid id: "+t;var r=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15);c(o+"t/"+i+"?"+("a="+e+"&o="+r))}}}();  sptrk('config', '##TrackerID##', {    xuid: '##xuid##',    xsid: '##xsid##'  });  sptrk('event', 'conversion');</script>

For the conversion tag, you must dynamically fill in these values:

##xuid##: ID for each user##xsid##: ID for each conversion

See these pages to set up Spider AF tags with Google Tag Manager:

b. Connect to the Google Ads API

To complete the setup, the user must Connect an Ad Account.

Click Google Ads, then click Give permissions.

The Google login page opens. Select your account and log in if needed.

Click Allow.

After you provide permission, you return to the Spider AF page.

Select your Google Ads account. Click Proceed with selected account to complete the connection.

If you run ads on more than one ad account, click Add a new account to add additional accounts. If you're finished, click Proceed to Dashboard.

2. Configure blocking

Blocking in Spider AF is enabled by default. But to disable/enable blocking in the dashboard, go to Automated Rules >  Automatic Blocking

Spider AF recommends keeping all the fraud categories enabled for blocking, but there may be situations in which a user may not want to block a specific category of invalid traffic. Spider AF is flexible in its operations and allows the user to declare which kind of traffic they wish to block or not block.

To adjust these categories, in the dashboard, go to Automated Rules > Fraud Categories. Here you can block specific categories.

  • Crawlers
  • Data Centers
  • Invalid User Agents
  • Bots
  • Fake User Agents
  • Repeat User Clicks
  • Suspicious IPs
  • Domain Spoofing
  • and more...

Spider AF also has general traffic categories that you can disable through the dashboard from the Traffic Sources menu such as Parked Domains. More categories will be added in the future.

Table Of Contents

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